Kristine Soares Photography

Kristine Soares Photography


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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Places You'll Go!- Mr. P

The third session I had in "The Places You'll Go!" marathon was with Mr. P. The session was held on one of the most humid days of the year so far and I was already hot from both the heat and running around after kids(check out Miss E, Mr. B and Miss S in previous posts). I was waiting for my next session to arrive, when I spot a jogging stroller coming towards me. There was Mr. P's mom power walking away, without even breaking a sweat. Puts me to shame!

I had met Mr. P and his mom at a Mommy and Me type yoga class, when my son was around 6 months old. We found out that our boys were only a week apart. And later it turned out that they would be in the same playgroup. I was very excited to see Mr. P, because I am loving this age where everything is a discovery and being on a farm, there is tons to explore!

And the first exploration was my camera. He wasn't quite sure to make of me, so he would charge at me and then stop and just stare. It was hilarious. It was like a choreographed dance. He charged, I backed up and then he'd stop for one second and started back up again.

The he noticed the hill that he could run down. Although, he was a little cautious. He looked at his  mom for reassurance and then at me.

Big Man

During the session I noticed some similarities between our boys. For one thing, they are both at that independent stage where they want to do everything own their own. And one example of that, holding the bottle of bubbles. 

Time for animals!

I see you...

Two more similarities between Mr. P and my son. They see farm equipment and think it's their "job" to help. And picking up rocks/sticks could be one of their favorite activities.

As we were finishing up, my next session had arrived. It was another playgroup buddy(Miss A in which you will see in the next post), so Mr. P got to socialize a little bit before leaving. I had so much fun with this little guy and his mom. I'd love to get our boys together more, because I think they'd have a blast!

Leaving you with my favorite shot of the day of Mr. P

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