Kristine Soares Photography

Kristine Soares Photography


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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Places You'll Go!- Mr. B and Miss S

My second session for the day (click here if you missed the first session was with the adorable brother and sister team of Mr. B and Miss S One reason I was particularly excited about this session was because I was meeting up with an old friend and coworker. Their mother and I worked together at daycare (often times in the same room) for years. And the last time we had seen each other was when Mr. B was a baby and we bumped into each other at a mall. And even though time has passed, she is the same sweet, down to Earth person I remember so many years ago. And just as I had suspected, her and her husband have raised their children beautifully.

When they were walking up to me, Mr. B politely called me by name(and kept doing so for the remainder of the time) and I was hooked. I was touched by the respect and politeness that this 5 year old boy has. And then came Miss S, with her big beautiful eyes and little blonde ponytail. How could photographing these two possibly be "work"?

We started off with trying to get some "formals" of the two of them. I made sure I had my trusty friends, the stuffed animals, to shake off any shyness that sometimes happens in the beginning of photoshoots. Luckily for me, Mr. B was going to help try to get Miss S to smile.

First it started off with a little headlock.

And then you can tell someone was getting a little antsy.

We took a break and Mr B spotted the big red ball I brought.

The Many Poses of Mr. B!

And one very sweet face.

Miss S got a hold of the ball, but wasn't quite sure what she wanted to do with it.

One of my favorite shots of her all day.

We took a walk to see the animals and again Mr. B showed what a good big brother he is. Sometimes we just need a little guidance.

We came across the roaming goat(it was out all day) and these two shared a inside joke with me just with facial expressions.

Miss S started to warm up to me just as we were starting to wrap things up.

And sadly, the session ended and I had to say goodbye(for now!). I got a hi-five from Miss S and a huge hug from Mr. B. And as they drove off, Mr. B shouted out the car window, "Bye Kristine!". And then my heart melted into a puddle. Thank you guys for being such a great family to work with and I hope to see you again very soon!

I will leave you with one final shot. It is another one of my favorites from their session. Just simple and happy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Kristine you work is beautiful. They are all great but I am especially impressed with the three shots of them walking together with the middle one leaving a lump in my throat.

    I am slightly prejudiced as I am Papa to these two.
