This is going to be a short, but very happy post!
A few weeks ago, we took a little trip to pick out our new hens to add to our brood. I had my heart set on Ameraucanas. They typically lay pastel blue or green eggs, how cool is that! My husband wanted a hardy hen, so he was looking for Barred Rock chickens.
We came out of the store with 4 little Ameraucanas and then later that day, Marc found his Barred Rocks at another store, which gave us 6 new little babies to raise. They needed heat right away, so under the red lamp they went!
I fell in love right away with the Ameraucanas. They were so darn fuzzy and cute. I love animals with character, originally I had wanted to get a Polish hen, mainly because they have poofs on their heads.Well, we aren't getting them, but our new little girls have what looks like beards. And that is pretty awesome too.
Forgive the image quality, these next two pictures were taken with my phone.
This past Monday was unusually warm (before Mother Nature laughed at us and threw us back into 30 degrees and it snowed). Monday was sunny with a slight breeze and close to 80 degrees, which meant it was time to let our baby chicks have some fresh air!
Here is their first taste of a sunny day, first touch of grass and my joy by capturing it all.
Here's hoping we get more days like that soon!
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