Music has always played a huge part in my life. At the age of 2 or 3, I received a Mr. Microphone and would put on performances. When I was in Elementary school, I would gravitate towards Oldies music and somehow know all the words. I would write my own songs or parodies. I dream of having my own CDs(Christmas album would be awesome). I connect with the music. And I have always believed that we all have our own personal soundtrack.
You ever have the feeling that when you are in a mood, a song will come on that just seems to hit all those emotions? Well, I do and I think it's for a reason. Music has the ability to make us reflect, cry, smile, get angry and even heal. So, I thought I would share some of my faves every week. Enjoy!
For My Olivia
10/1 Fall Sessions- The K Family
10/3 Fall Sessions- Miss M (Hope to see pictures of you as Ariel for Halloween!)
For the Sullivan Family. As I was going through all the pictures from over the past year or so, one song came to mind. It just feels like a fitting song for you as a family and as my friends. Thank you for being there and thank you for letting me capture those moments for you.
6/27 For Liz, Tim, Miss M and the soon to be new edition. This song comes from a very powerful voice. It has a very particular place in my heart, as I listened to his music with my late stepmother. And when Matthew was born, I shared this song with him. The song was composed and sang with all the love a parent can have for their child. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.