Liz was really laid back. You could tell that she was in control of what was going on with Kaylin, but she wasn't afraid of letting Kaylin explore and find things out for her own. That's a sign of a really good mother. You always want to protect your kids, but we shouldn't hover. Kids need to make mistakes in order to learn and being independent early on can be a very positive thing for their future. Kaylin, is absolutely adorable. She enjoyed throwing leaves and playing with her Barney doll. Barney songs, are luckily in my repertoire, so we could get some of these smiles!
Onto another young lady, Isabel.
Isabel is a little fashionista in the making, but she is also a rough and tumble kind of girl. Something tells me that Isabel will no doubt be determined in achieving anything she sets her mind to in the future.
Last, but not least, London.
I've talked before, about how pets really are our family. They love us unconditionally, they get excited when we come home and they can be a shoulder to lean on when we need them. I was so happy to hear that Jennie wanted Isabel to bring her dog along for the shoot. London, was energetic, but not overly neurotic. I was able to get some very sweet shots of her even looking in the same direction.
I just wanted to thank all of you who were a part of this incredible shoot. I had so much fun getting to know your family and hope I can see you all again soon!